Danube University Krems

Danube University Krems is the university for continuing education. Its courses are specifically oriented toward the needs of working professionals. The University offers exclusive master's programs and short programs in five areas of study. Serving more than 7,000 students and with 15,000 graduates from 90 countries, it is one of the leading providers of further education courses in Europe. Danube University Krems was founded in 1994 and combines many years of experience in postgraduate university education with innovation and the highest quality standards in research and teaching.

Danube University Krems is one of the pioneering institutions in Europe in the field of university-based advanced education, and a specialized institution in the sector of lifelong learning. In teaching and research the University focuses on social as well as organizational and technical challenges of current times, and is developing innovating market- and client-oriented courses on an ongoing basis. The University for Continuing Education is specifically focused on interdisciplinary cross-linking and future-oriented special sectors: it offers courses that combine medicine and management, music and law, or image sciences and new media. Highest quality standards, a scientific, practical approach, and the use of innovating teaching and learning methods are part of all courses offered at Danube University Krems.

Danube University Krems is one of the pioneering institutions in Europe in the field of university-based advanced education, and a specialized institution in the sector of lifelong learning. In teaching and research the University focuses on social as well as organizational and technical challenges of current times, and is developing innovating market- and client-oriented courses on an ongoing basis. The University for Continuing Education is specifically focused on interdisciplinary cross-linking and future-oriented special sectors: it offers courses that combine medicine and management, music and law, or image sciences and new media. Highest quality standards, a scientific, practical approach, and the use of innovating teaching and learning methods are part of all courses offered at Danube University Krems.

Department for Migration and Globalization

We work on a critical issue of modern societies, namely Migration and Globalization. In so doing we want to contribute to a better understanding of the processes at work to promote social cohesion and wellbeing.

Our teaching and research has a focus on:

  • Migration
  • Europe and globalization
  • Learning, work and industrial relations
  • Health and social welfare
  • Housing, neighborhood and regional development
  • Social security and human rights
  • Religion and intercultural communication 
  • With special emphasis on gender and generational gaps 

We engage in basic as well as applied research, provide scientific guidance for policy makers, business, civil society and the media. We follow an integrated approach in research and lifelong learning. 

Our team covers a wide range of professional disciplines such that we may address the complexity of migration and globalization from various vantage points.

Center for Health and Migration

Migration is a global phenomenon that influences the health system; it raises the need for further education and training of health professionals and public health management.

We focus on the two dimensions of migration and health, the diversity management skills needed for a multicultural and multilingual workforce in the health and care services on the one hand and the diverse health care needs of an increasingly multicultural population on the other.

We provide education and training in migrant sensitive public health management and cross-cultural medical communication. We offer degree courses and training seminars, provide consulting services and engage in basic and applied research.

Contact Person: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gudrun Biffl
Phone: +43 (0)2732 893-2413
Fax: +43 (0)2732 893-4000
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Gudrun Biffl Lydia Theresia Rössl Anna Faustmann
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Danube University Krems
Department for Migration and Globalization

Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems, Austria

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